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MORACEAE Naucleopsis SPP.

 Uw 19304 - MORACEAE Naucleopsis glabra
Thumbnail of U0054479.tiff Missing image U0054479.tiff
lens: unknown
M.E. Bakker
Inst: NBC
Thumbnail of U0054478.tiff Missing image U0054478.tiff
lens: unknown
M.E. Bakker
Inst: NBC
 Uw 12167 - MORACEAE Naucleopsis guianensis
Thumbnail of U0054480.tiff Missing image U0054480.tiff
lens: unknown
M.E. Bakker
Inst: NBC
Thumbnail of U0054481.tiff Missing image U0054481.tiff
lens: unknown
M.E. Bakker
Inst: NBC
 Uw 19991 - MORACEAE Naucleopsis imitans
Thumbnail of U0054482.tiff Missing image U0054482.tiff
lens: unknown
M.E. Bakker
Inst: NBC
Thumbnail of U0054483.tiff Missing image U0054483.tiff
lens: unknown
M.E. Bakker
Inst: NBC
 Uw 19364 - MORACEAE Naucleopsis inaequalis
Thumbnail of U0054485.tiff Missing image U0054485.tiff
lens: unknown
M.E. Bakker
Inst: NBC
Thumbnail of U0054484.tiff Missing image U0054484.tiff
lens: unknown
M.E. Bakker
Inst: NBC
 Uw 19524 - MORACEAE Naucleopsis krukovii
Thumbnail of U0054486.tiff Missing image U0054486.tiff
lens: unknown
M.E. Bakker
Inst: NBC
 Uw 16478 - MORACEAE Naucleopsis macrophylla
Thumbnail of U0054488.tiff Missing image U0054488.tiff
lens: unknown
M.E. Bakker
Inst: NBC
Thumbnail of U0054487.tiff Missing image U0054487.tiff
lens: unknown
M.E. Bakker
Inst: NBC
 Uw 7974 - MORACEAE Naucleopsis mello-barettoi
Thumbnail of U0054489.tiff Missing image U0054489.tiff
lens: unknown
M.E. Bakker
Inst: NBC
Thumbnail of U0054490.tiff Missing image U0054490.tiff
lens: unknown
M.E. Bakker
Inst: NBC
 Uw 18423 - MORACEAE Naucleopsis stipularis
Thumbnail of U0054492.tiff Missing image U0054492.tiff
lens: unknown
M.E. Bakker
Inst: NBC
Thumbnail of U0054491.tiff Missing image U0054491.tiff
lens: unknown
M.E. Bakker
Inst: NBC
 Uw 18428 - MORACEAE Naucleopsis ulei
Thumbnail of U0054496.tiff Missing image U0054496.tiff
lens: unknown
M.E. Bakker
Inst: NBC
Thumbnail of U0054495.tiff Missing image U0054495.tiff
lens: unknown
M.E. Bakker
Inst: NBC
2 Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent
5 Wood diffuse-porous
7v Vessels in diagonal and / or radial pattern
12v Solitary vessel outline angular
13 Simple perforation plates
22 Intervessel pits alternate
23v Shape of alternate pits polygonal
25 Small - 4 - 7 µm
26 Medium - 7 - 10 µm
31 Vessel-ray pits with much reduced borders to apparently simple: pits rounded or angular
32 Vessel-ray pits with much reduced borders to apparently simple: pits horizontal (scalariform, gash-like) to vertical (palisade)
35? Vessel-ray pits restricted to marginal rows
41 50 - 100 µm
48 20 - 40 vessels per square millimetre
49v 40 - 100 vessels per square millimetre
53 350 - 800 µm
61 Fibres with simple to minutely bordered pits
65 Septate fibres present
69v Fibres thin- to thick-walled
70v Fibres very thick-walled
72 900-1600 µm
79 Axial parenchyma vasicentric
80v Axial parenchyma aliform
81v Axial parenchyma lozenge-aliform
83v Axial parenchyma confluent
84 Axial parenchyma unilateral paratracheal
89v Axial parenchyma in marginal or in seemingly marginal bands
91 Two cells per parenchyma strand
92 Four (3-4) cells per parenchyma strand
97v Ray width 1 to 3 cells
98v Larger rays commonly 4 - to 10 seriate
102v Ray height > 1 mm
107 Body ray cells procumbent with mostly 2-4 rows of upright and / or square marginal cells
108v Body ray cells procumbent with over 4 rows of upright and / or square marginal cells
110v Sheath cells
115 4-12 / mm
132 Laticifers or tanniniferous tubes
136v Prismatic crystals present
137v Prismatic crystals in upright and / or square ray cells
138v Prismatic crystals in procumbent ray cells
141v Prismatic crystals in non-chambered axial parenchyma cells
163v Vitreous silica
183 Neotropics and temperate Brazil (Brazier and Franklin region 81)
184 Mexico and Central America
186 Tropical South America
189 Tree
194 Basic specific gravity medium, 0.40-0.75
195 Basic specific gravity high, >= 0.75
197 Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown
Anatomical Note: ** weakly procumbent cells in ms rays, 2-3 septae per fiber, 1s rays few
Habitat: tropical lowland
Height: small to medium trees
Koek-Noorman, J., S.M.C. Topper & B.J.H. ter Welle. 1984a. The systematic wood anatomy of the Moraceae (Urticales). I. Tribe Castilleae. IAWA Bull. n.s. 5: 183-195.
Mennega, A.M.W. & M. Lanzing-Vinkenborg. 1977. On the wood anatomy of the tribe ¿Olmedieae¿ (Moraceae) and the position of the genus Olmedia R. and P. Acta Bot. Neerl. 16: 1-27.