MORACEAE Naucleopsis SPP.
Uw 19304 - MORACEAE Naucleopsis glabra | ||||||||||||||
Uw 12167 - MORACEAE Naucleopsis guianensis | ||||||||||||||
Uw 19991 - MORACEAE Naucleopsis imitans | ||||||||||||||
Uw 19364 - MORACEAE Naucleopsis inaequalis | ||||||||||||||
Uw 19524 - MORACEAE Naucleopsis krukovii | |||||||
Uw 16478 - MORACEAE Naucleopsis macrophylla | ||||||||||||||
Uw 7974 - MORACEAE Naucleopsis mello-barettoi | ||||||||||||||
Uw 18423 - MORACEAE Naucleopsis stipularis | ||||||||||||||
Uw 18428 - MORACEAE Naucleopsis ulei | ||||||||||||||
Features: |
2 | Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent |
5 | Wood diffuse-porous |
7v | Vessels in diagonal and / or radial pattern |
12v | Solitary vessel outline angular |
13 | Simple perforation plates |
22 | Intervessel pits alternate |
23v | Shape of alternate pits polygonal |
25 | Small - 4 - 7 µm |
26 | Medium - 7 - 10 µm |
31 | Vessel-ray pits with much reduced borders to apparently simple: pits rounded or angular |
32 | Vessel-ray pits with much reduced borders to apparently simple: pits horizontal (scalariform, gash-like) to vertical (palisade) |
35? | Vessel-ray pits restricted to marginal rows |
41 | 50 - 100 µm |
48 | 20 - 40 vessels per square millimetre |
49v | 40 - 100 vessels per square millimetre |
53 | 350 - 800 µm |
61 | Fibres with simple to minutely bordered pits |
65 | Septate fibres present |
69v | Fibres thin- to thick-walled |
70v | Fibres very thick-walled |
72 | 900-1600 µm |
79 | Axial parenchyma vasicentric |
80v | Axial parenchyma aliform |
81v | Axial parenchyma lozenge-aliform |
83v | Axial parenchyma confluent |
84 | Axial parenchyma unilateral paratracheal |
89v | Axial parenchyma in marginal or in seemingly marginal bands |
91 | Two cells per parenchyma strand |
92 | Four (3-4) cells per parenchyma strand |
97v | Ray width 1 to 3 cells |
98v | Larger rays commonly 4 - to 10 seriate |
102v | Ray height > 1 mm |
107 | Body ray cells procumbent with mostly 2-4 rows of upright and / or square marginal cells |
108v | Body ray cells procumbent with over 4 rows of upright and / or square marginal cells |
110v | Sheath cells |
115 | 4-12 / mm |
132 | Laticifers or tanniniferous tubes |
136v | Prismatic crystals present |
137v | Prismatic crystals in upright and / or square ray cells |
138v | Prismatic crystals in procumbent ray cells |
141v | Prismatic crystals in non-chambered axial parenchyma cells |
163v | Vitreous silica |
183 | Neotropics and temperate Brazil (Brazier and Franklin region 81) |
184 | Mexico and Central America |
186 | Tropical South America |
189 | Tree |
194 | Basic specific gravity medium, 0.40-0.75 |
195 | Basic specific gravity high, >= 0.75 |
197 | Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown |
Anatomical Note: ** weakly procumbent cells in ms rays, 2-3 septae per fiber, 1s rays few |
Habitat: tropical lowland |
Height: small to medium trees |
References: |
Koek-Noorman, J., S.M.C. Topper & B.J.H. ter Welle. 1984a. The systematic wood anatomy of the Moraceae (Urticales). I. Tribe Castilleae. IAWA Bull. n.s. 5: 183-195. |
Mennega, A.M.W. & M. Lanzing-Vinkenborg. 1977. On the wood anatomy of the tribe ¿Olmedieae¿ (Moraceae) and the position of the genus Olmedia R. and P. Acta Bot. Neerl. 16: 1-27. |